This week I'm back to coding, (finally) making the modifications to Jeeves that user testing brought up. It feels like ages since I've actually gone and implemented something - it feels good!
I mean, after getting it accepted at the end of May, I started looking at getting the client-side app working. Then I started looking at the systematic review. Then before I knew it it was gung-ho on the CHI submission, then preparing for Atlanta, recovering from Atlanta, now here I am!
It's too easy to get bogged down in one thing. Much as I'm in the habit of getting my head down on one thing until it's done, I'm feeling like maybe that's not such a good thing. I love programming but trying to figure out what the hell I was doing 3 months ago has not been easy.
Moral of the story: Stay focused, but don't neglect parts of my research. Not very catchy, but it's true.